14 January, 2011

... PARA MI?

... FOR ME?

Todos deseamos que las sorpresas que se nos presenten en nuestra vida sean maravillosas y no solo haya un bonito envoltorio. Yo os deseo de corazón un fin de semana lleno de dulces, positivas, esperanzadas y/o tiernas sorpresas. Por supuesto no está de más que la caja sea igual de inspiradora.
Por favor, hacedme saber las vuestras la próxima semana. Un beso.
We all want that the surprises presented in our life are wonderful and not only have a nice packaging. I sincerely wish you a weekend filled with sweet, positive, hopeful and tender surprises. Of course, also we like the box is inspiring.
I can not wait to hear yours next week. Kisses.

1 comment:

  1. lovely lovely lovely! I would be thrilled with all of these little surprises :)

    have a wonderful weekend, xx


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