Soy gran admiradora de su trabajo desde hace años por lo que el showroom Piet Boon® Store estaba en mi lista de lugares a visitar en mi reciente viaje a Amsterdam, del que ya os he hablado recientemente aquí y aquí.
Este espacio es la mejor carta de presentación de la firma y su filosofía. Al diseñador Piet Boon le inspira su país, Holanda, y se divierte experimentando con materiales y formas, a las que me atrevería denominar esculturas, que acompañan todos sus proyectos.
Muebles de aspecto robusto y cálido que van perfectamente de la mano de colores suaves y texturas sensoriales. Este es el resultado del trabajo de Piet y Karin, su mujer (y así les llama su equipo), que, a la hora de diseñar, han conseguido formar un tandem perfecto.
No pude irme de este espacio sin hacer algunas compras, entre ellas el último libro del diseñador, Piet Boon 3, que muestra sus proyectos más recientes. Os lo recomiendo. Un "must have" para diseñadores.
Mi agradecimiento especial al equipo de Piet Boon® Store por su profesionalidad y en particular a Farida Wijngaarde por su amabilidad.
Since years I greatly admire his work so Piet Boon® Store was on my list of places to visit on my recent trip to Amsterdam (more here and here).
This showroom is the best introduction to the firm and its philosophy. The interior designer Piet Boon is inspired by his country, Holland, and loves experimenting with materials and shapes (that I would name sculptures) which accompanying all his projects.
Robust-looking furniture ranging in perfect harmony with soft colors and sensory textures. This is the result of the work of Piet and Karin, his wife, that make a great tandem.
This showroom is the best introduction to the firm and its philosophy. The interior designer Piet Boon is inspired by his country, Holland, and loves experimenting with materials and shapes (that I would name sculptures) which accompanying all his projects.
Robust-looking furniture ranging in perfect harmony with soft colors and sensory textures. This is the result of the work of Piet and Karin, his wife, that make a great tandem.
We could not leave the showroom without doing some shopping including the last book of the designer, Piet Boon 3, wich shows their latest projects. Highly recommended. A must have for designers.
A special thanks to Piet Boon® Store team for its professionalism, and in particular to Farida Wijngaarde for her kind attention.
A special thanks to Piet Boon® Store team for its professionalism, and in particular to Farida Wijngaarde for her kind attention.
Fotos: By me