Soy María Martínez, Arquitecta de Interiores. Creo que para ser creador, son necesarias buenas dosis de respirar y observar el tiempo que vivimos y el entorno que nos rodea. Este entorno está abierto a cambios constantes y, como profesional dedicada en el campo del interiorismo, quiero ser espectadora de excepción, plasmando mi inspiración en este blog en el que sois todos bienvenidos.
Hi! I'm María Martínez, interior designer. I believe that for creating is needed great doses of breathing and watching the time we live and the enviroment around us.
Such environment is constantly opened to changes and as a professional engaged in the field of interior design, I want to be an exceptional spectator, capturing my inspiration in this blog in which all of you are welcome.
Hi! I'm María Martínez, interior designer. I believe that for creating is needed great doses of breathing and watching the time we live and the enviroment around us.
Such environment is constantly opened to changes and as a professional engaged in the field of interior design, I want to be an exceptional spectator, capturing my inspiration in this blog in which all of you are welcome.
Image: EclecChic
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