28 January, 2011



Aunque este blog esté dedicado principalmente a decoración, sabeis que también me gusta el diseño en general y estos diseños me han resultado irresistibles mostraroslos. Perdonad si el post os parece excesivo de fotos, he intentado resumir el desfile de alta costura primavera/verano 2011 que acaba de presentar la casa Valentino pero ha sido difícil no mostrar todos porque los modelos son una auténtica maravilla, como podeis apreciar. Los diseñadores son Pier Paolo Piccioli y Maria Grazia Chiuri que han seguido los tonos nude, sin faltar los rojos firma de la marca y han incluído detalles tan delicados como encajes, lazos e inspiraciones florales. No os lo perdais porque es una verdadera inspiración.
Feliz fin de semana.
Although this blog is dedicated mainly for decoration, you know that I like the overall design and these designs were irresistible for me. Sorry if the post is excessive with all these photos, I tried to summarize the haute couture spring / summer 2011 collection just made the house Valentino but it was hard not to show all because all the models are a marvel, as you can appreciate. The designers are Pier Paolo Piccioli and Maria Grazia Chiuri who have followed the nude tones, without missing the brand's signature red, and included details as delicate as lace, bows and floral motives. Do not miss it because it is really an inspiration.
Happy weekend.

Fotos: Valentino  


  1. Ooooooh this is SOOOO stunning, I just stamped my feet on the floor. Excuse my exaggeration but I can't believe my eyes, this is the BEST. Hadn't seen it yet, thanks for posting!! I'm now tweeting your post <3

  2. Creo que con éstas dos últimas colecciones el maestro estará más contento que con las anteriores. Son más fieles a la casa y, sin ninguna duda, mejores.

    Muchas gracias por tu comentario. A partir de ahora yo también te sigo ;)

  3. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I have to say that I think you've just stolen my heart with these images! What a treat for the eyes!

  4. i agree - this collection is truly inspirational for all parts of life. it is so lovely, so intricate, so perfectly "valentino."
    may you have a happy & inspiring weekend!

  5. The red dress with the bow is stunning! Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog.


Tu aportación es siempre bienvenida

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