30 March, 2011



Hola a todos! Hace unos días una amiga me mandó este video que ha quedado grabado en mi mente y me gusta recordar cada día. A lo mejor lo habeis visto ya en tv, y si es así seguro que os gusta verlo otra vez porque todos necesitamos rodearnos de optimismo, gente alegre y pensamientos sanos. Me he propuesto repetirme todos los días "Hoy va a ser un gran día" durante 21 para hacer de la búsqueda de la felicidad un hábito. Estoy en el 5° día y de momento me está funcionando. Por eso mismo lo quiero compartir hoy con vosotros esperando que os ayude, motive, emocione y apasione tanto como a mi. Un beso!
Hi everyone! A few days ago a friend sent me this video that has stuck in my mind and I like to remember every day. As it is in Spanish (nevertheless I suggest to  watch it also) I explain you that is an interview to a positive executive who is dedicated to giving lectures on optimism, because he has decided to be happy in a world where seems that pesimism  and depression concern for normal problems are highly valued. The thoughts become habits after thinking them for 21 days then this is what I plan: repeat every day "Today will be a great day" for 21 to make the pursuit of happiness a habit. I am in the 5th day and until now is working me very well. Many times we forget to be happy because we think we can not, but just see positive thoughts to attract them, and remove the negative. It seems a very easy recipe so I wish sharing this video with you today hoping that it will help, encourage, excited and passionate about as much as me. Kisses!

Fotos: The Sartorialist, Nuevo Estilo - designer Lorenzo Castillo, Saipua


  1. gran señor Emilio...
    gran verdad en todo lo que dice...
    yo trabajo en lo mismo que él y siempre recomiendo: no telediarios, rodeaté de gente que te hace feliz, huye de los otros, y HAZ LO QUE TEMAS!!!
    mart a.
    y ánimo...ya te falta muy poquito para los 21

  2. Lo veo y a ver si soy capaz de aplicarlo a mi vida....

  3. Such a lovely and thoughtful post - thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. A wonderful post! Think positive! That should be one of the rules for a healthy way of living. Thank you for sharing this. xoxo Ada

  5. That's just wonderful, sweetie! I'm an eternal optimist. It's the only way to get through this thing we call life :) xoxo

  6. what great advice! i'm glad that it's been working for you :]

    i'm going to start being more optimistic too, and starting the day off right, with a positive attitude!

  7. Think happy thoughts! :D
    I love that big white bookcase wall! So gorgeous.

  8. What an inspirational post. I would love to understand the men in the video, but luckily you're explanation is very simple and clear. You're so right and admirable for trying and sharing this with your reader. I'd like to try as well:)

  9. Me he visto el video, y estoy muy de acuerdo con él, no nos educan para ser felices, nos educan para sobrevivir. Pensar en positivo, asumir riesgos -oportunidades, rodearse de gente alegre, vital y generosa enriquece nuestra mente y nuestro corazón. Viva la vida¡¡¡

  10. Hola! Oh I adore this so much and will try this myself (I might even blog about it and this fantastic positive idea!) Que buena idea!


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