24 April, 2012


MONOCROME IN NAVY BLUE: David Collins ~ Part I

Para el salón y el dormitorio de su propia casa David Collins se ha inclinado por el azul marino, color que le atrae particularmente. Me gusta de Collins lo gran curioso que es por los materiales y colores. Él que tiende a jugar con las monocromias, ha experimentado en su vivienda no solo con el color también con el mobiliario diseñado por el mismo, convirtiendo su espacio en un laboratorio de ideas que luego lleva a sus clientes.
En el salón las lámpara, mesitas y sofá son diseños de él mismo quien ha jugado con detalles como las cortinas bordadas a mano sobre un dibujo propio, y paredes de yeso craqueladas recubiertas con un vidriado color celeste. Fabuloso! Sabe lo que es atemporal y para ello usa materiales como sedas, terciopelos de cachemir y seda, cristal, lacados, cuero... Se ha atrevido a retapizar esta butaca Ribbon en terciopelo y diseñar una comoda forrada en ante con sus tiradores de cuero. No hay límite en la creatividad de Collins.
-"Yo no vivo en un museo, no elijo el mobiliario para mirarlo, quiero disfrutar de mis cosas" - David Collins.

For the living room and bedroom of his own home David Collins has decided the navy blue, color that specialy appeals. I like how Collins is curious about materials and colors when he designs. He tends to the monochrome colors, so for his home has experienced not only with color also with furniture designed by himself, turning his space into a laboratory of ideas which brings to their clients.
In the living room the lamp tables and sofa are designed by himself who has played with details as hand-embroidered curtains on a drawing of their own, and
crackled plaster walls covered by glaze blue color. Fabulous! He knows what is timeless so uses materials such as silk, velvets of cashmere and silk, glass, lacquer, leather... He dared to reupholster this
Ribbon chair with a  comfortable velvet and designed a dresser lined in leather. There is no limit to the Collins' creativity.
"I don't live in a museum, my furniture isn't to look, I like to enjoy it" - David Collins.

Fotos: Scanned by me from the AD Spain magazine, Dec. 2009


  1. Siempre he sido muy fan del azul marino, pero sin embargo para casa no lo uso apenas...

  2. Wow very clean and crisp looking. Great rooms and colour.

  3. Un deco estupenda, me ha encantado!!


  4. The blue cabinet in the last image is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.! What an unusual, but fantastic colour for such a piece of furniture.

  5. I love that first photo, the painting above the blue sofa, the lamp ... it's simply perfect.

  6. Oh i missed this post!! that blue is so incredible beautiful! The whole interior is amazing.

  7. I Love that artwork in the first image - LOVE it.:)


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