Su objetivo principal es crear espacios funcionales, volúmenes racionales e iluminación controlada. Su máxima "Nobilis Simplicitas". Para el arquitecto Vincent Van Duysen el lujo es una simple cuestión de proporción. Su obra es todo lo opuesto a la ostentación.
Los planos, fáciles de interpretar, plasman la funcionalidad de sus proyectos y la reducción de volúmenes a los estrictamente esencial. Los materiales, colores y texturas es para VVD una parte más de su trabajo que he querido plasmar en estas fotos.
En este libro se encuentran sus trabajos más destacados desde 1993 que comprenden casas, espacios comerciales y diseño industrial.
Feliz miércoles...
His main objective is to create functional spaces, rational volumes and controlled lighting. His motto "Nobilis Simplicitas". To the architect Vincent Van Duysen luxury is a simple matter of proportion just the opposite of ostentation.
The plans are easy to interpret, capture the functionality of their projects and reducing volumes to bare essentials. The materials, colors and textures for VVD is another part of his work that I wanted to capture in these photos.
In this book are his most outstanding works since 1993 which includes houses, commercial and industrial design.
Happy Wednesday....
The plans are easy to interpret, capture the functionality of their projects and reducing volumes to bare essentials. The materials, colors and textures for VVD is another part of his work that I wanted to capture in these photos.
In this book are his most outstanding works since 1993 which includes houses, commercial and industrial design.
Happy Wednesday....
Fotos: By me from the VVD Complete Works book
Beautiful photos María, that book looks like a gem.
ReplyDeleteThis must be a beautiful book to browse and to read, so much inspiration..
ReplyDeleteLove the way you've captured these photos, María. xo
G A S P! i need this book! i love how you photographed it with that lovely shaggy blanket! who makes it? love it!
ReplyDeleteOh María, this looks fantastic! You had me at that picture of the grand staircase—oh my! Thank you so much for sharing this with us :) I would love to have a copy!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a lovely day...
Cada día estoy más de acuerdo con esos planteamientos... gracias por presentármelo ;)