03 January, 2014


Hola a todos. Espero que hayáis pasado unos maravillosos días de paz y serenidad con vuestra gente más querida. En estas fechas estoy desconectada de la comunidad bloguera pero no os olvido... Os deseo todo lo mejor para el 2014.

Dear friends, I whish you have had a paceful days with your relavite ones and friends. I'm currently "unplugged" from the blogosphere but only for some days. I don't forget you. I wish you all the best for the New Year 2014.

Photo: Gonzalo Machado, scanned by me from the AD Spain


  1. Igualmente María, y ¡Que el ARTE te acompañe!

  2. These are some amazing homedecor ideas of the living room that you have shared here. The colourful theme they are having is quite adorable and fashionable. The designs of sofa sets is quite interesting and stylish.


Tu aportación es siempre bienvenida

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